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Security Camera Blog

security cameras for pool areas in Utah

Install A Security Camera For Your Pool

It’s summer! And that means it’s showtime for your back yard pool. You’re ready to get it spruced up and cannonball into the deep end!

There’s one important thing to remember as the days get hotter, though: that beautiful, clean pool is calling to others, too. Particularly, curious kids.

Accidental Drownings Are a Real Risk

According to the CDC, drowning is the #1 cause of accidental death to kids aged 1-4 in the U.S. Each year, 390 kids between the ages of 1 and 14 drown in pools and spas, and more than 3,000 children under the age of 5 are rushed to emergency rooms for submersion injuries. Most of these accidents happen between May and August when the weather is warm.

75% of children’s drowning deaths happen at residential pools and spas. These pools don’t always belong to the family of the child in question. Often, drowning accidents happens in the pool of a neighbor.

We Are All Responsible For Pool Safety

When we think about drowning, we often pictures the movie portrayal of splashing and yelling. However, drowning happens almost instantly, and it can be completely silent. Often, a gulp of water will prevent kids from yelling for help.

None of us want to be part of a tragedy. It’s always easiest to shove the responsibility onto someone else, but in the end, we’re all obligated to simply do as much as we personally can to prevent accidents.

It’s the responsibility of every pool owner to make sure that their pool doesn’t pose a risk to curious kids. Whether or not they’re forbidden, children tend to wander and your pool makes the perfect curiosity for them to explore.

Some Tips to Keep Your Pool Secure

  1. Install a fence around the perimeter. It should be four feet high all the way around and hard for children to climb.
  2. All the latches on the fence should be self-latching and locked when you’re not using it.
  3. Get CPR certification yourself so that you’re ready if a disaster happens.
  4. If you have kids, enroll them all in swimming school and teach them pool safety skills.

Install a Security Camera

One very effective method of pool security is growing more popular with the affordability and practicality of technology: security cameras! You can install a camera that will act as a security guard, and let you see what’s going on even if you’re at work, out with friends, or on vacation. Our team of specialists can help you choose and install the best system for your needs.

Learn more about pool safety and see whether your pool meets the safety guidelines recommended (and required) by the government by checking out the government’s pool safety page.