Businesses in Orange County must evaluate whether or not their business should invest in security cameras to reduce crime. Taking a defensive but proactive security posture will help your business succeed in ways you never thought possible.
If you own a business in Orange County, the question shouldn’t revolve around whether or not you should purchase hidden security cameras. The question should be: Why haven’t you purchased and installed them already? You shouldn’t invest in security cameras in efforts to catch people committing crime. You should install security cameras and post signs alerting them that they are being recorded to protect both your employees and your customers. Protecting your business and your customers should always be one of your top priorities in life.
Newport Beach Crime Stats
According to data released by the NBPD, burglary against businesses actually went down 12% year over year when measuring statistics from 2017 to 2018.The statistics are not able to be skewed to show how many of these businesses had hidden security cameras in place or not.
With this in mind, business owners should not take comfort in the falling commercial burglary rates in Newport Beach. The statistic should be interpreted to show that fellow business owners in the Newport Beach community take the physical security aspect of their businesses seriously and you should too.
Depending upon how you interpret this data, you could point to the 28% year over year rise in residential burglary as evidence that criminals are targeting those who might less security measures in place. Could a rise in business taking a more preventative security posture be the reason for the drop in burglaries against businesses in Orange County?
Without hiring a data scientist that has evidence to each and every burglary, it is impossible to know the true answer to that. However, businesses should not incorrectly interpret this statistic as a green light to be lax on security measures. It should be interpreted the exact opposite.
Where to Install Your Security Cameras
Once you’ve made the decision to install security cameras, you’ll want to scope out the best places to put them. Most businesses put security cameras near all ingress and egress points of entry. If you are in a build with a lot of glass, you’ll want your cameras to be in the view all entry points that be penetrated such as glass exteriors. Once you’ve decided on where you’d like have your cameras installed, you’ll want to examine your own internal recording requirements.
Will you require a DVR that retains days to months of footage or would you want something more robust like an NVR that helps you archive old footage that will need to be recalled years down the road? The possibilities are endless but regardless of how simple or complex you decide to make your new video security system; you should at least commit to buying one just in case you need to procure evidence in response to a security event.
Southern California businesses are empowered when they take their physical security into their own hands. Depending upon the type of industry you are in, you might be required to have security cameras in Newport Beach due to stringent industry regulations.
When you install security cameras in Newport Beach to protect your business, you will be to say that you have evidence that defends the assets of your business should you ever need to produce video recordings of something happening on your property.
At Dixon Security, we are security system experts. Call us at 801-455-0413 for a FREE on-site evaluation of your security camera needs.