When I was a young Lieutenant in the Army, I was placed in many training atmospheres where they expected us to make quick decisions. After the difficult training situations ended, we were evaluated on the results and counseled on ways to improve. It was one such training event where we were out running small squad and platoon movements when we started encountering enemy artillery coming down on us. I quickly called out a direction and distance to move my unit to the north about 500 meters. A fellow Lieutenant in the training however, remained frozen while trying to choose the best direction to move his unit. As a result, while my unit moved out of danger, his unit was decimated by the simulated artillery fire in the training scenario. As we sat around discussing the event during the training review afterward, it was explained by the event staff, that if we made wrong decisions from time to time, those decisions could be corrected by making additional adjustments. Our future decision making could then be fixed and improved through more training and experience. However, those that froze up and refused to make decisions in a timely manner, were not fit to lead because they were letting the circumstance drive the result. Their indecision was the worst kind of decision or decision making by default.
That experience has always stuck with me as I witness that same lesson in business. At least once a week, I get a call from a client or prospective client, with a sad tale of something bad that happened to them that they wished they had caught on camera. Many of them had already thought about putting a camera up in the area but failed to act in time. They kept putting off the decision and now that more damage has been done, they have picked up the phone. There is an old Chinese proverb that says “The best day to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The 2nd best day is today.”
If you think that you might need cameras because of a problem or just because you have some liability exposure that you would like to get a handle on, now is the time to act. Don’t worry about getting the decision perfect from the start. Businesses are constantly changing and there will be new decisions to make on the security cameras for businesses in the future. Yes, you are going to need to make a decision, get cameras, and find a good security camera installer. Yes, security cameras are going to cost money. They will cost the same if you put them up before or after your next worker’s compensation claim, lawsuit, harassment claim, or incident of employee theft. The difference will be the price you pay for the other events.
At Dixon Security, we are security system experts. Call us at 801-455-0413 for a FREE on-site evaluation of your security camera needs.