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Security Camera Blog

Ladera Ranch Business Security Cameras

How Should I Position My Security Cameras?

Even some of the most expensive security cameras aren’t effective if they’re not installed in the right locations. With your Orange County business security cameras, it’s important to know the five important places for security camera placement to protect these areas against burglars.

Above Your Front Door

Burglars enter into homes and businesses by damaging, destroying, and removing the front door. If the security camera placement is above the front door, it can catch criminals in the act and deter them from committing a crime. It can also provide the police important clues that can help them solve the crime. Front door security cameras also allow you to monitor package deliveries, see if your kids come home from school, and watch contractors and house cleaners enter and leave from your phone – all through your smartphone.

Above Other Doorways

Security camera installation doesn’t just take place above the front door, they should be placed on other exterior entries as well. Burglars are likely to break into back doors, basement doors, and other exterior doors that lead into your home or garage. Since every entryway provides burglars access, every entry point should have security cameras.

Whether you have younger children or seniors who tend to wander, use motion detection security cameras. These security cameras notify you the moment they sense any movement and will send you the recorded footage. Some can even lock the doors and follow individuals within a certain distance. These high-tech features are useful if you don’t want your loved ones to leave the house.

In Your Baby’s Room

When it comes to home security, it’s important to have a security camera installation in your baby’s or child’s room. Sometimes a baby monitor isn’t enough. They don’t possess the high-tech features that most security cameras have. You can watch your baby’s room in real-time and can record and store that footage.

Motion detecting cameras used in combination with baby monitors and a home security can alert you if someone’s in your baby’s room or if your child tries to leave their bed.

In Your Home Office

Both businesses and home offices located in Orange County are attractive to potential burglars. It provides them access to your computers, laptops, mobile devices, phones, printers, and other expensive electronics that they can sell on the black market. This is also the one place where they have access to sensitive information such as bank accounts, credit card statements, mortgages, passports, passwords, and more. Whether you go with CCTV security cameras, wired cameras, or wireless you are going to want some form of video surveillance for your business.

All of this information can be used to steal the person’s identity. For this reason, it’s highly recommended to install a security camera in your home office or place of business.

Around Your Backyard

Backyards are attractive to burglars as well. These areas usually contain bikes, lawn equipment, vehicles, and other items that burglars can sell in exchange for quick cash. Your backyard could provide your burglars easy access into your home, depending on how your house is set up. Having one or multiple security cameras installed throughout your backyard can also help you monitor your children and loved ones, especially if you own a swimming pool.

At Dixon Security, we are security system experts. Call us at 801-455-0413 for a FREE on-site evaluation of your security camera needs.